Raits Bleiziffer Hawelka Piralli Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Ernst-Grein-Straße 5
5026 Salzburg, Austria
t: +43 662 622 301
f: +43 662 623 000
e: law@raits-bleiziffer.at
Raits Bleiziffer Hawelka Piralli Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Faberstraße 3
5201 Seekirchen, Austria
t: +43 6212 32 100
f: +43 6212 32 100-50
e: law@raits-bleiziffer.at
Commercial Register
FN 217006b
Place of jurisdiction
Salzburg regional court
political commune Salzburg (Salzburg)
ATU 53153705
Object of the company
The object of the company is the practice of law, including the necessary auxiliary activities and the administration of the company’s assets pursuant to § 21c Z 6 RAO.
Raits Bleiziffer Rechtsanwälte GmbH is a law firm under Austrian law and is subject to the relevant rules of professional conduct (RAO, RL-BA), available at www.oerak.at, as well as the supervision of the Salzburg Bar Association (www.srak.at).
The contents of this website have been carefully checked for accuracy and are for general information purposes only. The information on this website in no way constitutes legal advice. Raits Bleiziffer Rechtsanwälte GmbH assumes no liability for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information provided. Furthermore, Raits Bleiziffer Rechtsanwälte GmbH does not assume any liability for any links to external websites operated by third parties.
Concept & Text
Management Consulting
Dr. Wolfgang Immerschitt & Partner
Gislarweg 10
5300 Hallwang near Salzburg
WebDesign etc.
Mag. Engelbert Eichner
Rainerstraße 2
5020 Salzburg
Graphic conception
Robert Preck advertising graphics
Schwanthalerstrasse 43
5026 Salzburg
Image sources
Photographer: Florian Stürzenbaum
Photographer: Mag. Michael Hartl
iStockPhoto ©